How Valuable Will it be if Your Website Has Mobile SEO Compatibility?
The mobile first indexing announced by Google in March 2018 has made it vital for websites to have a user-friendly mobile version if they are to retrieve their Google search positions. Mobile first indexing means that Google, from now on, is going to consider the mobile version of a site while ranking it as opposed to the desktop site it had been doing in the past. This comes from the trend that people have been using mobile devices more than desktop to browse the internet, and this alone tells us why Mobile SEO is essential in 2021.
Various Trends
A lot of new SEO trends are going to be prevalent this year. Among them, mobile SEO is one. With a mobile website given the priority in the Google search algorithm, you will notice a fall in your site if your visitors don’t get a good experience when they are in smaller devices. But remember, the process is called ‘mobile-first indexing,’ which means the desktop site will also undergo evaluation. If you don’t have a mobile site at all, you can still rank, but forget about good rankings.
Another thing to note about why mobile SEO is vital in 2021 is because of the rise of voice search. You have probably noticed it in Singapore as well, every day in the road you see people talking to their phones, but not necessarily talking through their phones. Also, you know quite some households using Alexa, facts like these sum up to give mobile search indexing the value that it has in this day. A good thing for you, however, is that even if you don’t already have a friendly site for mobile use, you still have time because it will be some years before the implementation of mobile first indexing.
How to Ensure Mobile SEO for Better Rankings?
After all, your website is supposed to help people. So, if people use mobile devices more, it is your responsibility to give them the best you can. Thus, as you know why mobile optimisation is indispensable. Meanwhile, what you can do is work on your mobile site right away. Make it as perfect as you can; the news hasn’t yet spread everywhere as of yet, so you can leave behind your competitors in an instance.
Mobile Optimized Content
You need to see if your mobile site shows everything your desktop can, and at the same time, doesn’t lose quality. Mobile optimisation of the content means using smaller font sizes, pictures, etc. in a way that everything fits in and nothing gets outside the viewport. Optimising images and content also help with the page loading speed, which is one of the most important SEO ranking factors.
Different Site Design
You don’t necessarily need to make your mobile site fancier to do mobile SEO, make sure that the interface is convenient. Try using HTML5 instead of flash, no pop-ups and at the same time, don’t block CSS, JavaScript or images.
Responsive Site Design
You will need a responsive site design. For example, say there is a website, and it is opened from two different mobile devices of varying screen sizes. Then, if the site design is responsive, both the screens will show the maximum of what they can accommodate, instead of showing the same content. This increases usability, and thus, will give Google a reason to provide you with a better site ranking.
Dynamic Serving
You can also do a dynamic serving if you want to. This, in simple terms, means having different HTML and CSS codes for the same URL, i.e. two versions of the same website, one for mobile and another for the desktop. Dynamic serving lets you control which content you want to show to your mobile visitors and which to desktop users. However, active service is not perfect. Besides, there are specific issues such as the wrong version of the website being shown. Indeed, it is all up to you if you want to use it.
Meta Data Optimization for Mobile Display
You can choose to .optimize the metadata separately for your mobile device if you think it is necessary. But remember, the metadata should be similar to your desktop site. Smaller headers, meta descriptions, etc. can seem better on your mobile website, but you still need to use the relevant keywords.
Mobile SEO, in previous years, would be a plus point, but it is a necessity in 2021. Your site won’t go anywhere without you implementing the best mobile SEO techniques.
Are you looking for mobile SEO services in Singapore?
Well, we can help you with our specially tailored mobile SEO techniques, and you will be on the top of Google web search results in no time. Contact us if you need SEO experts who can guide you.